Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dirt-sugar drink.

Hey guys, it's me again! So, with this blog I'm gonna do something new (hey that rhymed!) and give a professional review for something. Minus the professional part. And the review part is also still in question. . .Anywho!

So today I went to Target to actually buy food, as opposed to mooching off of Than (and Than, if you are reading this, thank you for being a wonderful friend). I was browsing through the soda and saw this new stuff called "Tab." First I checked out who it was made by, ya know, make sure I wasn't going to be drinking any drug-soda or anything, and saw that it was a Coca-Cola product so I knew I was safe. Since, you know, they haven't put drugs in their products since, well, I don't really know when.

I got back to my dorm and proceeded to put all of my food away. Then, right as I was sitting down to write something, our fire alarm went off--like that hasn't happened either other times this year. I decided to grab a "Tab" and try it out while freezing out in the Minnesota winter weather waiting for the Firemen to come. May I say, they are getting quite efficient at checking Arden!

Long story short, it tasted like dirt. With sugar. Actually, what I later realized is that it tasted like Diet Coke, except for the fact that it has all the regular unhealthiness of a real coke. So, for those of you who like dirt-sugar drinks minus all the benefits of not killing you, this one's for you.

Post Blog Notes
Okay, so I looked up Tab on wiki. Apparently it is slightly healthier, maybe, than regular soda (it's name comes from its marketing audience of people who want to keep "tabs" on their weight). And, it's not new, so I guess I've just never noticed it before, because it's been around since 1963.

Also, I'm now considering forgetting about finishing that "What are You Chasing" series, since I've apparently not found the time or desire to do it up to this point, but we'll see. The main problem is I get so distracted by new ideas that I want to write about! Thus, why I have yet to finish any of the fantasy books I've been trying to write. . .or even get past the seventh chapter. Anyway, shalom!

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