Sunday, March 27, 2011

The next post in my rather inconsistent blog.

Hey everyone, I'm not going to apologize this time for the last blog post, because I've come to accept that I'll probably be just posting in this inconsistently. As such, so should you at this point, and all will be well! I even think that the title of this blog post has inspired me to the title of my blog now.

Okay, so maybe you've noticed in my small amount of writing up to this point, or maybe you haven't, but I'm kind of out of it right now. This is just a forewarning. I've been trying to write a story that's due tomorrow, and I don't even have enough sense right now to know if I like it or think it's good or not. So, I'm going to do the responsible thing, and put the rest of it off until tomorrow. I've got about 1000 words right now, and the minimum word count is 2000, and this is just a rough draft. I think I can churn out 1000 more words before class tomorrow, though the first 100o took me about two and a half hours, if I am to believe that I started at seven thirty.

What I'm writing about is this guy who has had this friendship with this girl about three years ago. His name is Levi, hers is Stacy. It ended messily, and now, three years later, she is on a college visit and happened to visit the college he currently goes to. The whole story takes place in a coffee shop, there the reader is to infer that he asked her to meet him sometime during her visit. Initially, I thought he wanted to invite her there to ask her if she really cared about him all those years ago, or if it was just pity, but now I believe he asked her there because he wanted to apologize. He has apologized before, but he believes he finally knows now what he has to be sorry for, and that he didn't know before, and he hopes that the apology means something to Stacy as well. Maybe he still wants to hear her say that she cared about him back then, maybe he doesn't, but one of the things he is apologizing for is that he didn't believe back then that she had cared, and didn't realize how much that must have hurt her. She doesn't know what to do with the apology at first, and to be honest, I don't know what she will want to do with it period.

The problems I already see in this story are that I don't know why she agreed to meet him in the coffee shop (or even how he gained the courage to ask), it seems contrived that she visits the college he goes to, and I don't know whether there will be a climax or not, or if it will be good enough, or feel contrived or floppy (as in, doesn't affect the characters that much in the end).

I actually started another, different, story about the same two characters, so I may be able to fall back on that one if this one doesn't turn out.


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